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God's greatest love story ever told

Steve Mahoney - Dramatic Biblical Recitation of the Gospel of John

Steve Mahoney is what some would call a biblical storyteller. He dramatically recites the written Word of God, and in particular, the Gospel of John, from memory. It is an age-old attempt to learn the written text well, breathe life into it, as it were, and present it as a gift of God to the hearers' ears, sight and soul. :)


In the case of the Gospel of John, it is a "by faith" attempt (on Steve's part) to trust God's written word, (now spoken aloud), to be that which the Holy Spirit of God will use to provoke the hearers to explicitly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ's promise of the gift of eternal life as spoken of in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."


Steve was first impacted by the reading of Gospel of John at around age 20 when someone handed him a small Gideon's pocket New Testament. Through a "journey" of about nine months, Steve came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for His promise, "Amen, Amen, I tell you, whoever believes in Me [Jesus Christ] has eternal life (John 6:47). The years beyond that have been a precious "walk" with God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ in light of that gift of life. For did not Jesus say, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it in abundance?" (John 10:10)


As to why Steve does what he does: In his fifties, Steve had a serious leg infection which could have cost him his life. After three months of recovery, and out of appreciation for a spared life, he promised God that he would memorize and "try" to dramatize the Gospel of John for God's glory (Steve does not have a theater/dramatic arts background).


Through years of trusting God, and the blessing of much aid and wisdom from many others, Steve now happily and enthusiastically presents selected chapters and portions, or all of the Gospel of John to individuals and groups, making Jesus' amazing miracles, and love, and message of eternal life come alive. :)








ABOVE VIDEO: Clips from a live "dinner-theatre" type setting
Steve was given the title "Gospel of John Dude" by the creator/editor of the above video. It was a fun evening of  presenting John Chapters 1-6 with family and new friends.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son

© 2016 by SPM. Humbly created for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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A Sunday School, Youth Group, and main service are all places where the bible can come alive!


One of Steve's favorite places to tell this story is in a living room filled with listeners.


Steve can present the whole Gospel of John over a weekend retreat.

Street Fair

If your ministry has a location at a street fair, we can work wtih you to present to passerbys.


Schools, prisons, college campuses, nursing homes, one-on-one, and more.

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